Cable Car going by Grace Cathedral

San Francisco's Grace Cathedral

在1906年的地震和火灾之后,历经37年的艰苦建设, 格雷斯既是一个旅游地标,也是一个以其包容性而闻名的工作大教堂.

Towering over San Francisco's 头山 neighborhood, the iconic Grace Cathedral is hard to miss. 它的“天堂之门”和令人惊叹的彩色玻璃窗一样著名, 两个迷宫, Interfaith Memorial AIDS Chapel, and majestic Aeolian-Skinner organ, 这座教堂是美国第三大圣公会教堂. 在1906年的地震和火灾之后,历经37年的艰苦建设, 这座混凝土浇筑的新哥特式大教堂不仅是美丽的旅游地标和文化活动场所, 但它也是一座以其包容性而闻名的工作大教堂. 欢迎所有人.

The History of Grace Cathedral

Grace Cathedral traces its roots to Grace Church, a small parish that was built during California's Gold Rush in 1849. The 1906 earthquake completely destroyed the original structure. The Crocker family, an influential family in San Francisco at that time, 捐赠了诺布山的土地来建造现在的建筑. 格雷斯大教堂始建于1927年,但直到1964年才有了复杂的结构, with all its gorgeous details, was fully completed. 马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr .)以布道来庆祝这一具有里程碑意义的事件., which was attended by nearly 5,000 people.

Highlights of Grace Cathedral


The main entrance to the cathedral is guarded by the Ghiberti门, also called the "Gates of Paradise.这些门是意大利著名艺术家洛伦佐·吉贝尔蒂为佛罗伦萨洗礼堂设计的罕见复制品. 这扇门由青铜铸成,用黄金覆盖,描绘了重要的圣经事件. 

The Labyrinths and Yoga

Grace Cathedral has 两个迷宫, one inside and one outside. The outdoor labyrinth is accessible 24/7. 用脚追踪迷宫的设计,进入一种冥想的状态. Yoga practices at the cathedral, 这些故事发生在格蕾丝令人惊叹的室内迷宫的中间和周围, 他们定期在星期二晚上和星期六上午举行. You may bring your own yoga mats, 但是那些从外地来的游客可以租一张瑜伽垫,只需要付一小笔钱.

Book A Yoga Session

The Stained Glass, Murals, and the Architecture

灵感来自法国哥特式建筑和巴黎圣母院等标志性建筑, Grace Cathedral has huge stained-glass windows and soaring arches. 除了, 两侧墙上的壁画描绘了贝博体彩app历史上的几个重要事件, such as the earthquake of 1906 and the drafting of U.N. 1945年宪章. 大教堂的彩色玻璃窗上装饰着两位圣经人物的肖像, such as Adam and Eve, and important people in world history, such as Albert Einstein and Robert Frost.

如果你想用你的镜头捕捉到这个令人敬畏的历史艺术作品的美丽, mornings are the best time. 大教堂里不是很拥挤,阳光正好适合拍摄那些彩色玻璃窗.

Top of the South Tower

在访问之前查看网站,看看是否有幕后之旅, 其中包括爬到南塔的顶部,在那里可以看到贝博体彩app最美的景色.

Check Tour Availability

How to Explore Grace Cathedral

格雷斯大教堂周一至周六上午10点向游客开放.m. 到5点.m and on Sunday from 1 到5点.m.

观光门票为12美元(成人),包括自助游, which is available in 英语, 西班牙语, 中国人, 法国, 葡萄牙语, 和韩国. This tour is also available as an 英语, docent-led experience.

Be sure to check for special events on the 网站 before planning your visit. Entry is restricted on such days.

在观光时间内,我们欢迎寻求祈祷或冥想场所的个人免费. Religious services are held regularly. For more information, visit the 网站.


Getting to Grace Cathedral

格雷斯大教堂位于加利福尼亚街和泰勒街的交汇处. The California Street cable car is the easiest way to reach Grace Cathedral. Whether you start downtown or on Van Ness Avenue, the cable car will drop you at the cathedral's Great Stairs. 乘坐缆车到格雷斯大教堂大约需要10-15分钟, depending on where you board the cable car from. 你也可以乘坐1路Muni公交车,在泰勒街或克莱街下车. 由于停车场稀缺,建议乘坐公共交通工具前往格雷斯大教堂, though Grace Cathedral does have a paid parking garage.

Iconic Sites Near Grace Cathedral

Just steps beyond Grace Cathedral, you'll find a number of famous San Francisco hotels, 场馆, 和夜总会.

The Fairmont San Francisco

Dating back to 1907, the iconic building has hosted several U.S. 总统. 这也是托尼·班尼特第一次唱《我把心留在贝博体彩app》的地方.“你可以参观酒店的大厅,或者更好的是,预订一个房间过夜.

Book a Hotel Room
Fairmont hotel exterior
Inside the Fairmont


作为波利尼西亚的经典,这家标志性的贝博体彩app餐厅一直在向汤加倾倒 梅麻将 自1945年以来. 房间中央有一个泻湖,乐队将在那里的茅草驳船上演奏, and it periodically rains and thunders throughout the evening. 大杯(和豪饮)的提基鸡尾酒和pupu拼盘会让你很快进入岛屿的最佳状态.

Inside the Mark Hopkins


This rooftop bar has been a permanent fixture in San Francisco's 夜生活 自1939年以来. The bar is known for its signature cocktails, inspired by San Francisco's landmarks, and breathtaking views. 考虑到它的受欢迎程度,尽量在晚上早点到达,以获得最好的座位.

Book a Hotel Room at the Intercontinental Mark Hopkins


Located in the center of 头山, 这座美丽的公园以其中心建筑而闻名:一座仿陆龟喷泉的复制品, an iconic Roman fixture.


这个杰出的场地是诺布山众多建筑瑰宝之一. 无论你是看音乐会还是举办宴会,很少有地方能像共济会一样

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